
Friday, December 11, 2009

Uniquely Nostalgic - Poloroid Jewelry by jerseymaids

I think these are the cutest things ever! Jewelry, and other items, made from real Polaroid images!

I love the look of Polaroid pictures; the old style, with the big white border perfect for jotting down quotes and dates and other clever things. Makes me think of being a silly kid and wanting snapshots of every goofy pose my sister and I made!

The pieces by Lauren of Lauren Beacham Photography (Jerseymaids on Etsy) are a far cry from those old Polaroid shots! The photography is modern, gorgeous and translates perfectly to whimsical necklaces, earrings, and rings!

Take a look at some of the fun stuff here, and visit her Etsy shop and Website for more!



  1. What a wonderful artist! I'm so glad to have found her. Thank you for sharing! You have a wonderful blog here.
